sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010


jack black é a voz do irado panda po
jack black é a voz do irado panda po

Agora vamos ao filme de animação mais divertido do ano. Infelizmente, só assisti em DVD. Mas vi duas vezes. O engraçadíssimo Jack Black faz a voz do Panda Po, que adora kung fu e faz macarrão no restaurante de seu pai (que é tipo um ganso, sei lá).

Po tem muita imaginação, mas não esperava se tornar mestre das artes marciais e entrar em combater ao lado de seus ídolos. Eles são uma tigresa (Angelina Jolie), um louva-deus, uma serpente (Lucy Liu), uma garça, um macaco (Jackie Chan) e o treinador de todos, mestre Sifu (Dustin Hoffman).

E eu adoro o ancião que é uma tartaruga chamado Oogway. Ele é super zen e é quem descobre que o Po seria o herói salvador da aldeia ameaçada por um leopardo ex-pupilo do mestre Sifu. As sequências sob o Pessegueiro Sagrado da Sabedoria Celestial são lindas.

mestre oogway e o pessegueiro sagrado
mestre oogway e o pessegueiro sagrado

Pô, só vendo...

E tem a música do Carl Douglas (acho que o Jack Black canta com ele no filme) Kung Fu Fighting. Um hit dos anos 70, quando os adolescentes cariocas ligavam para a Mundial AM tocar a música. É... houve um tempo pré-FM no rádio...

Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh (x4)

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing

There were funky China men from funky Chinatown

They were trapping bend up, they were trapping bend down

It's an ancient Chinese art, and everybody knew their part

For my friend, ain't you a stiff, then I'm kickin' from the hip

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing

There was funky Billy Jim and little Sammy John He said, here comes the big boss, let's get it on

He took the bow and made a stand, started swaying with the hand

A sudden motion made me stiff, now we're into a brandnew trip

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they did it with expert timing

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning

In fact it was a little bit frightening, make sure you have expert timing

Kung Fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning...

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